Total Defence

About Total Defence

Introduced in 1984, the concept of Total Defence was adapted from the experience in Switzerland and Sweden. There are two reasons why we adopted it. First, as a young nation with a small population, we cannot afford to maintain a regular armed force. Thus, we need to involve every Singaporean to multiply our defence capability. Second, the nature of modern warfare has changed. Wars are no longer limited to the battlefield. Instead, potential aggressors can strike in less obvious, non-military ways.

But if you think that Total Defence is a defence strategy or plan that is rolled out only during times of war, read on. Total Defence is more than that.

Total Defence provides the framework for a comprehensive and integrated response to deal with all kinds of threats and challenges. Whether it is a security threat such as global terrorism, or a national crisis like SARS, Total Defence brings together all relevant government agencies, private sector organisations and all Singaporeans in a total effort to deal with threats and challenges to Singapore's continued survival and success.

When Singaporeans take personal responsibility for and get involved in the defence of Singapore, they are playing their part to help keep Singapore safe and secure. A strong Total Defence will benefit not only the country but also each individual as whatever happens to Singapore will affect the lives of Singaporeans.

To help Singaporeans understand how they can be involved, Total Defence is divided into five aspects - Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence and Psychological Defence.

Not only that, Singapore is a small country. It has a small population base and no natural resources. It is a multi-racial and multi-religious society, a young country whose roots are still being planted. All these make Singapore vulnerable not only to military attacks, but also to exploitation of our economic, social, political or psychological weaknesses by those who may wish to do us harm.

To ensure that we can deal adequately with these challenges, it is important that Singapore has a Total Defence capability that involves the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), as well as the entire civilian population.

In Total Defence, our people are organised to defend the country against all forms of attack, both military and non-military. Total Defence comprises Psychological Defence, Social Defence, Economic Defence, Civil Defence and Military defence. The concept of Total Defence was therefore first introduced in 1984 to highlight the important role that every Singaporean plays in the defence of Singapore.

It's Personal. Play Your Part Today.

A note from Jeffrey;
You can play a part in total defence too and make Total Defence part of your live by doing a small part in your daily routine. For example, by taking National Service seriously, volunteer in civil defence exercises, help to keep the economy going, build strong ties with one another regardless of race and religion, and stay committed to defend the country, You are doing something in every sector of our society to strengthen Singapore's resilience as a nation and making Total Defence part of our lives already.

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Military Defence

Military Defence is having an SAF able to deter aggression. A first-class SAF - one that has the capability to act effectively and decisively should deterrence and diplomacy fail - is essential to building a strong Military Defence. While Military Defence is the responsibility of NSmen, full-time National Servicemen and regulars in the SAF, it also involves our own military industries having the capacity to meet the SAF's weapons and ammunition requirements.

What it means?

Deterring aggression
The SAF is a credible defence force that is able to deter aggression and secure a swift victory over the aggressor should deterrence fail.

Being operationally ready
National Service is the only viable option to ensure our security. When National Servicemen (NSmen) and full-time NSmen (NSFs) take their training seriously, they help to build a strong and operationally ready SAF. Our operational readiness also stems from ensuring that weapons systems are in good working order all the time, and keeping abreast of the latest advancements in technology to meet new challenges on the battlefield.

Being able to meet all kinds of challenges
The SAF has widened its capabilities to deal with non-conventional threats such as terrorist bombings, hijackings, and chemical, biological and radiological attacks. MINDEF and the SAF will continue to work together with other security agencies to improve our collective ability to deal with such threats.

A note from Jeffrey;
For guys, take your National Service seriously and if you are a girl and do not want to go to NS, maybe you might consider joining Uniform Groups (UG) instead to learn more about the lifeskills needed and also to have a taste of what NS life is basically about too. =D

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Civil Defence

Civil Defence provides for the safety and basic needs of the population on the home-front so that life may go on as normally as possible during emergencies. It involves training, with the help of the Singapore Civil Defence Force, the civilian population in rescue work, evacuation, first-aid and damage control. Civil Defence aims to produce a civilian population familiar with procedures for survival and protection, and with arrangements for relief services and emergency supply of critical items like blood, water and food. The knowledge and assurance that loved ones are cared for will fortify the morale of our citizen-soldiers in military training or fighting at the front-line.

What it means?

Knowing what to do during civil emergencies
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) recruits and trains civil defence volunteers in first aid, rescue and evacuation procedures, and shelter management. The SCDF also conducts talks and exercises to familiarise the public with basic first aid, the nearest bomb shelters and emergency arrangements like relief supply of critical items such as blood, water and food. Participating in such exercises helps us be prepared. When we know what to do, we can help to save life and property and ensure that life goes on as normally as possible in times of crisis.

Being vigilant and alert at all times
The threat of global terrorism will be long drawn. While much has been done to make Singapore a hard target, the government security agencies cannot be everywhere. Singaporeans can help by being on the lookout for anything suspicious.

A note from Jeffrey;
You can be a Civil Defence volunteer too! Currently, SCDF has trained more than 60, 000 residents as Civil Defence (CD) volunteers. Of these, 7000 residents continue to participate in Civil Defence activities as active volunteers.

To become a CD Volunteer, you must be:
- either a Singaporean or Permanent Resident
- at least 14 years old
- in good health(if in doubt, you should consult a doctor)
For more information, you can visit the website at

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Economic Defence

Economic Defence is the government, business and industry organising themselves in such a way that our economy will not break down in war or under the threat of war. It means putting in place contingency plans to ensure that our offices and factories will be able to continue their operations during emergencies, even after National Servicemen (NSmen) and equipment have been mobilised to deal with the emergencies. Economic Defence involves the economic sector sharing material and manpower resources to meet the needs of Civil and Military Defence. At the level of the individual, Economic Defence requires the cultivation of a good working attitude and constant upgrading of one's skills. This is necessary to help Singapore stay ahead of the competition.

What it means?

Staying relevant and competitive through rapid change and development
When we upgrade our skills and knowledge, it helps us to stay relevant and employable in this rapidly changing world. Our ability to embrace lifelong learning and re-training is vital to keep our economy competitive.

Putting in place robust economic systems that can continue to function in times of crisis.
When our economic fundamentals are strong, our economy will not break down so easily in times of war or crisis. Sound policies and practices help us withstand external shocks. Putting in place business continuity measures and stockpiles of essential items also helps to keep our economy going during times of crisis.

A note from Jeffrey;
At the level of the individual, it will requires the cultivation of a good working attitude and the constant upgrading of one’s skills. This is necessary to help the Singapore economy stay competitive so that the government, business and industry will organise themselves in such a way that our economy will not break down in war or under the threat of war. =)

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Social Defence

Social Defence is about Singaporeans of all races and religions living and working together in harmony. To build a strong Social Defence, there must be racial and religious tolerance and respect, as well as equal opportunities for all regardless of race, language or religion. Social Defence also refers to every citizen, especially those with the ability, education and training, having the social conscience to contribute to the larger community and country. This includes showing care and concern for the less fortunate and underprivileged, as well as active participation in volunteer work.

What it means?

Singaporeans of all races and religions living and working together in harmony
Maintaining racial and religious harmony is critical to ensuring peace and stability in Singapore. When Singaporeans understand and are sensitive to the cultures and traditions of one another, and build strong bonds across different ethnic groups, we help to strengthen social cohesion.

Helping fellow Singaporeans
As one people, we have the responsibility to contribute to the community by helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us, regardless of their race, language or religion. By doing so, we can further strengthen social cohesion.

A note from Jeffrey;
Be Friendly and Sociable to all People! Never discriminate and insult other people race and religions. Treat all races and religions with tolerance and respect. As the saying goes,"Do unto others what you want others to undo to you " and to learn to live together in harmony. =) of course, this will include showing care and concern for the less fortunate and underprivileged, as well as active participation in volunteer work. Not only that, it also refers to every citizen, especially those with the ability, education and training, having the social conscience to contribute to the larger community and country. =DDD

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Psychological Defence

Psychological Defence refers to the individual citizen's commitment to the nation and confidence in the future of our country. It is about having pride, passion and patriotism for our country. United in Psychological Defence, we develop the collective will to stand up for our rights; to protect what is ours; to seek to be left in peace; to progress and prosper in our own way as a nation. A strong Psychological Defence allows us to safeguard our independence and hence chart our own destiny.

What it means?

Having pride in, and being loyal and committed to our country

When Singaporeans are united in pride and passion for our country, we will stand up to defend what is ours and safeguard our sovereignty and independence.

Having the will, resolve and resilience to overcome challenges
Whatever the crisis or challenge is, it is our psychological resilience and strength that will determine whether we succumb or prevail. It is the will, tenacity and commitment of our people that underpins our Total Defence capability and our resilience as a nation.

A note from Jeffrey;
Be proud of Singapore and to develop the collective will to stand up for our rights; to protect what is ours; to seek to be left in peace; to progress and prosper in our own way as a nation. A strong Psychological Defence will then allows us to safeguard our independence and hence chart our own destiny too.

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Total Defence Logo and Icons

Total Defence Logo

The five arrows in the logo represent the five aspects of Total Defence: Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological Defence.

The arrows point in the same upward direction. This signifies concerted effort towards a common objective: safeguarding the progress and future of Singapore.

The logo's outline is significant for two reasons:

It is, firstly, the outline of a hand, symbolising action and representing unity and completeness. Total Defence is deficient if any of the five "fingers" is missing.

Secondly, the logo is in the shape of a house, and symbolises Singapore as our homeland. With Total Defence, the security of our homeland is therefore safeguarded.

The crescent and five stars, and the colours of red and white, are elements from the National Flag. They represent nationhood. Total Defence brings Singaporeans together as one people.

Taken as a whole, the logo symbolises all Singaporeans doing what they can in Total Defence to ensure peace and security for the future.

Total Defence Icons

To help Singaporeans understand how we are using Total Defence as a framework to deal with national challenges and to illustrate the different ways they can participate in Total Defence, Nexus worked with student-designer, Ms Wong May Ching from the Temasek Design School, Temasek Polytechnic in 2005 to develop a set of five different Total Defence Icons, each to represent one aspect of Total Defence.

The icons for each aspect of Total Defence will serve as visual cues to “brand” materials developed/activities organised for each aspect of Total Defence. The icons will help the public identify which aspect of Total Defence, a message or activity is emphasising (e.g. Social Defence icons for a Racial Harmony Day activity).

A note from Jeffrey;
Now that you have finished reading, you should have learnt basically what total defence is and the importance of total defence. So it will be kind of you to help spread the information to the people you know so that the whole singapore will know the concept of total defence! =D

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